The Right Way to Install Solar Panels at Home

Right Way to Install Solar Panels at Home

The Right Way to Install Solar Panels at Home

Harnessing solar energy is nothing new. In fact, the technology to do it has been in existence for a few decades now. The idea of installing solar panels for home use is relatively new, however, since it was so costly that it was hardly accessible to the general public. Fortunately, technology has found a way to improve production and cut costs, which has resulted in solar panel installations being cheaper, easier, and more accessible than ever before. If you are having difficulty trying to figure out where to start, there are plenty of tools that you can use to learn the ropes. If all else fails, you can hire professionals to do the installation for you.

Initial Steps

The very first thing you need to determine when planning for solar panel installations is the plan you wish to get. You can buy solar panels upfront or get a financing plan to pay them off in a couple of years. There are federal policies, discounts, and rebates available, but they vary per location. It is important to consider these things before starting as they can save you a significant chunk of change. Local, state, and federal governments are incentivizing and promoting solar panel installations, so be on the lookout for their deals and discounts.

After that, it is time to secure the permits, solar renewable energy certificates or SRECs, and government rebates if you applied for any. If you opt to hire professionals to install the panels, they can help you with the paperwork to save you time and effort.

Site Check

Regardless of whether you will be installing the panels on your own or through a professional, it is still best to get an engineer to do a site visit beforehand. They can check the condition of your roof and make sure that it is structurally sound for solar panel installation. They will also take a look at your electrical panel to ensure that it has enough ampere capacity to support your solar panels. This means that you have to be completely transparent with them regarding your electricity usage because their job is to ensure your safety during and after installation.


Some think that the actual installation is difficult, but it is relatively simple if you do all of the prep work in advance. If you have hired a contractor, they can perform the installation quickly and efficiently. If you opt for the DIY approach, as long as you follow the installation instructions closely, measure everything accurately beforehand, and make sure that both the roof and electrical panels can support the new solar panels, then installation shouldn’t be that difficult. Instructions and installation time depend on the type, brand, and number of solar panels that you plan to install, but generally, it can be done in one to three days.


After your panels are installed, you need to have an inspector from your city and the electric company check things out to be sure that everything is connected correctly. Once they give you the nod, you are free to flip the switch and start producing your own power.